Goalie Development
For questions about Player Development email playerdev@coqmoodyringette.com
During the season, additional Power Skating sessions and Goalie Training sessions may be available through the association. Your Team's Coaches will be able to provide more detail when it becomes available.
There are many differences between being a goalie in ringette and being goalie in hockey. It is very important for coaches (especially hockey goalie coaches) to know and understand the differences when working with ringette goalies.
Here are some drills to help get Coaches started in practice (from West Ottawa Ringette)
The following is by no means an exhaustive or authoritative list, but rather one that highlights the main differences. Some goalies and goalie coaches use different techniques to make the save.
View these videos made by BKRA's Rick Lee.
BKRA Goalie Instruction - 4a Goalie Ring Toss - Target Practice
BKRA Goalie Instruction - 4b Goalie Ring Toss - Over the Top